Advanced Graphic Design Mastery

Advanced Graphic Design Mastery

কোর্স পরিচিতিঃ

এই কোর্সটি তাদের জন্য যারা গ্রাফিক ডিজাইনের জগতে পেশাদার ক্যারিয়ার গড়তে চায়। কোর্সটি শুরু হবে গ্রাফিক ডিজাইনের বেসিক ধারণা দিয়ে, যেখানে ডিজাইনের মূলনীতি, ফটোশপ এবং ইলাস্ট্রেটর শেখানো হবে। ধীরে ধীরে শিক্ষার্থীদের উন্নত লেভেলের কাজ যেমন ব্র্যান্ডিং, লোগো ডিজাইন, প্রিন্ট মিডিয়া, সোশ্যাল মিডিয়া কন্টেন্ট তৈরি, এবং UI/UX ডিজাইনের দিকে নিয়ে যাওয়া হবে।

এই কোর্সের প্রতিটি মডিউল বাস্তব কাজের উপর ভিত্তি করে তৈরি, যেখানে শিক্ষার্থীরা প্রজেক্টভিত্তিক কাজের মাধ্যমে শেখার সুযোগ পাবে। কোর্স শেষে একটি প্রফেশনাল পোর্টফোলিও তৈরি করতে সাহায্য করা হবে, যা ফ্রিল্যান্সিং মার্কেটপ্লেস বা পেশাদার গ্রাফিক ডিজাইন ক্যারিয়ারে প্রবেশের জন্য গুরুত্বপূর্ণ।

আপনার সৃজনশীলতাকে পেশাদার দক্ষতায় রূপান্তর করতে আজই যোগ দিন!

কোর্স কারিকুলামঃ

➢ What is Graphic Design?
➢ Importance of Graphic Design in Various Industries
➢ Types of Graphic Design: Print, Digital, Branding, and Motion Design
➢ The Role of a Graphic Designer
➢ The Design Process: Brief, Concept, Design, and Delivery
➢ Graphic Design Ethics and Copyright Laws

➢ Principles of Design: Balance, Contrast, Alignment, Repetition, Proximity, Hierarchy, Emphasis, and White Space
➢ The Importance of Color in Design: RGB vs. CMYK, Color Theory, and Psychology
➢ Typography Basics: Fonts, Typefaces, and Hierarchy
➢ Composition and Layout: Grids and Alignments
➢ Image Resolution: DPI, PPI, and Image Types (Raster vs. Vector)

➢ Overview of Photoshop Interface and Tools
➢ Basics of Photoshop: Canvas, Layers, and Color Modes
➢ Tools Overview: Selection, Brush, Eraser, and Marquee Tools
➢ Working with Layers: Layer Styles, Layer Masking, and Adjustment Layers
➢ Basic Photo Editing and Retouching Techniques
➢ Using Photoshop for Graphic Design Projects

➢ Photo Manipulation: Combining Images, Retouching, and Enhancing Photos
➢ Project: Background Removal with Advanced Pen Tool
➢ Project: Beauty Image Retouching (Skin Smoothing, Eye Enhancement)
➢ Creating Social Media Graphics: Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter Posts
➢ Designing a YouTube Channel Banner and Thumbnail

➢ Overview of Adobe Illustrator Interface and Tools
➢ Understanding Vectors vs. Raster: The Power of Vectors
➢ Core Tools in Illustrator: Pen Tool, Shape Tool, Selection Tool, and Pathfinder
➢ Working with Layers, Artboards and more…
➢ Drawing Simple Shapes and Objects
➢ Understanding Fill and Stroke, Gradients, and Color Selection

➢ Project: Logo Design – Concept and Creation
➢ Project: Business Card and Identity Card Design
➢ Creating Detailed Vector Illustrations: Icons and Custom Shapes
➢ Text and Typography in Illustrator: Creating and Modifying Text
➢ Using Clipping Masks, Shadows, and Text Effects

➢ What is Branding? Understanding Brand Identity and Voice
➢ Creating a Mood Board and Design Brief
➢ Project: Logo Design (Minimalist, Flat, and Mascot Styles)
➢ Brand Guidelines: Typography, Color Palette, Iconography, and Patterns
➢ Project: Creating a Brand Identity (Logo, Flyer, Poster, Banner, Brochure, Business Card)

➢ Introduction to Print Media: Flyers, Brochures, Posters, and Magazines
➢ Setting Up Documents for Print: Bleed, Margins, and Safe Zones
➢ Project: Flyer Design (Single & Double-Sided)
➢ Project: Brochure Design (Bi-fold and Tri-fold)
➢ Project: Magazine Cover Design (Beauty, Fashion, and Lifestyle)

➢ Advanced Photo Manipulation: Surrealism and Fantasy Compositions
➢ Using Smart Objects, Filters, and Effects
➢ Creating Custom Brushes and Textures
➢ Advanced Layering and Masking Techniques
➢ Creating Complex Composites: Blending Multiple Images
➢ Advanced Retouching: Skin, Hair, and Makeup Editing

➢ Advanced Typography: Font Pairing and Custom Fonts
➢ Designing with Type: Creating Custom Letterforms
➢ Text Effects: Gradient Mesh, 3D, and Type on a Path
➢ Project: Text-Based Logo Design
➢ Project: Typography for a Fashion or Beauty Brand

➢ Introduction to Packaging Design: Understanding Materials and Structures
➢ Types of Packaging: Boxes, Pouches, Labels, and Bottles
➢ Document Setup for Packaging: Dielines, Folding, and Safe Areas
➢ Project: Product Label Design
➢ Project: Packaging Design for a Consumer Product

➢ Creating Engaging Social Media Graphics: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter
➢ Project: Designing Facebook Posts, Instagram Stories, and YouTube Thumbnails
➢ Ad Design: Understanding Digital Advertising Formats
➢ Project: Ad Banner Design for a Digital Campaign

➢ Advanced Pen Tool Techniques for Complex Designs
➢ Working with Mesh Tool and Gradient Mesh for Realistic Effects
➢ Creating Advanced Vector Art and Illustrations
➢ Advanced Shape Building: Custom Brushes and Patterns
➢ Project: Cartoon Character Design Using the Pen Tool

➢ Advanced UI Design Concepts: Color Schemes, Icons, Buttons
➢ Understanding UX Principles: Usability and Accessibility
➢ Prototyping in Adobe XD and Figma
➢ Project: Mobile App UI Design and Prototyping
➢ Project: Full Website Redesign with Focus on User Experience

➢ Logo Design Process: Research, Sketching, Conceptualization, and Refinement
➢ Creating Logo Variations and Applying Branding to Collateral
➢ Golden Ratio in Logo Design: Advanced Proportions and Symmetry
➢ Project: Create a Full Brand Identity with Logo, Stationery, and Brand Guidelines

➢ Project: Full Branding Project (Logo, Stationery, Website, and Social Media Assets)
➢ Developing a Graphic Design Portfolio: Showcasing Best Work and Dribbble site
➢ Tips for Presenting Your Design Work to Clients
➢ Building a Personal Brand and Marketing Your Services
➢ Final Review and Feedback on Projects

➢ Starting a Freelance Graphic Design Business
➢ Building Client Relationships and Contracts
➢ Pricing and Managing Design Projects
➢ Online Platforms for Freelance Designers (Upwork, Fiverr, Freelancer etc.)

➢ Project 1: Full Brand Design Package: Logo, Business Card, Flyer, Poster, Banner, Brochure, and Social Media Graphics
➢ Project 2: Packaging and Product Label Design for a Consumer Product
➢ Project 4: Animated Motion Graphics Ad Design

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